Neurorehabilitation Service

We offer specialist neurological rehabilitation for:

Head injury / stroke / Multiple Sclerosis / spinal injury / Parkinson's Disease / Guillain-Barre Syndrome / Other neurological conditions.

We aim to optimise functional performance and facilitate social involvement. We encourage clients to take an active role in their rehabilitation and we use our skills and knowledge to find solutions to their specific and unique problems. Where possible we encourage an involvement in local leisure facilities to help manage long term conditions and supplement our therapeutic input.

In depth neurological assessment:

We work closely with our clients to determine their specific problems following injury or disease affecting the central or peripheral nervous system. This involves an in depth assessment and analysis of movement; looking closely at changes in body alignment and alterations in muscles and other soft tissue structures.

Specialised treatment and management programmes:

Our assessment findings are discussed and explained to our clients. We then formulate a tailored treatment and management plan centred around agreed functional goals.

Treatment and management programmes are specific to individual clients but may include:

  • Movement Re-education
  • Gait Re-education
  • Posture Management
  • Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Treatment evaluation:

We use validated outcome measures to evaluate treatment and monitor progress.

Onward referrals:

Where required we can arrange for onward referrals to the following healthcare professionals with expertise in neurorehabilitation: Consultant Clinical Psychologist / Orthotist with a special interest in neurological conditions / Speech and Language Therapist / Occupational Therapist.

With our clients permission we will send detailed reports to their GP, Consultant or other healthcare professional involved in their rehabilitation.
